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Looks good except one moment. You don't have much consistency between objects and evn incline. The left chest on the preview is aligned with walls so it looks normally but right chest is weird. As you didn't add incline to luke, character and column (I am not sure about the slime but looks good even with this small incline) I recommend you not to add incline to the chest.

And in general the chest have another perspective. Its Z coordinate points to viewer but other sprites have z coordinate point to up of the screen with some small angle... I like it except chest

ah you know what, you're spot on about the chest, but somehow it doesn't bother me visually? having it point up would make it more neutral for sure regardless of placement. if I come back to this tileset later for fun I might add another version of the chest :)

I agree with dustdfgs comment on the perspective. It's a freaking amazing looking chest- I love it! but for a viewer its a bit dizzying having 2 different perspectives. Probably wouldn't take much to fix- a few pixels shifted to the left and you're all good.

thanks for the feedback - i didnt want to remove the original chest sprite since i do like it, but i added an alternative chest with typical top-down perspective

also threw in some more enemies when revisiting


Looks good! I like it. Can't remember if I told you about OGA. Sorry if I did it earlier

yeah i do have some assets on there, when i'm done with this pack i'll probably upload it too

I really love the shading on the original chest, but the one you added looks great too! Thanks for incorporating some of out feedback~ YEY :D
